Mafia Game Template

MAFIA ## - Name <((If you've made a website for information on your Mafia game, link to it in the title here.))
Game Story/Theme explanation. <((This is where you will first set the mood and setting of your Mafia game.))
Time Periods: The Mafia game is divided into two time periods, night, and day. <((Additionally, some storytellers will link to an online clock set to their timezone to help players keep track of when update time is. Sites like timeanddate are quite useful for this.))


In the day everybody votes for one person to be arrested in hopes of capturing the MAFIA (and/or their subordinates, roles depending.) Beware, however, if you anger the MAFIA, they may come to get you. If you arrest the wrong person, you could very well be hurting yourself, and the other VILLAGERS. Whatever role you are, you may tell your role at your own risk, but if you have a good special role, you will be a prime target for the MAFIA. When you have decided your vote, say the name of the person you wish to be banished BOLD CAPS so I know you are voting for that person instead of just saying their name. You may not take back a vote/edit your vote. Whoever is voted out will be banished from the game with one exception; a tie-breaker. The Day period lasts 48 hours. If all the votes haven't been collected during that time, whoever didn't vote misses their chance to vote that day period, and whoever has the most votes will be cast off. If there is a tie in the votes, the first banished person to come back will have the chance to vote and break the tie. Only the first outcast who votes in a tie breaks the tie. A still-in player who missed the voting period may NOT break the tie. When there is a tie, an outcast must vote within 24 hours, or else neither person in question of banishment will be banished.


This is where the game gets interesting. In this period, the MAFIA, DETECTIVE and DOCTOR do their work. <((If you have more special roles to add to your game, make sure you add them here.)) Each one must Private Message me what they are going to do. Their roles will be explained later. During this time period you may talk, but you may NOT discuss who you are going to cast off. This must be saved for the day period. The Night period lasts 24 hours, regardless if everyone with a special role has made their choices and sent them in or not. If choices haven't been made and sent, then that person/people lose their chance to act that night without question.
Roles: Every player in a game of mafia has a role of some kind, here the roles we will have this time. This round, we will have NUMBER MAFIA, NUMBER DETECTIVE, NUMBER DOCTOR and NUMBER VILLAGERS. <((Sometimes you may also want to add more roles to a game of mafia, if you do this, make sure you have a good, clear explanation of how the role works. Confusion is the bane of a mafia game.))

The MAFIA are out to kill the VILLAGERS. During the Night period, the MAFIA have to unanimously decide on one person who to kill. They must PM each other and decide who BEFORE they Private Messaging me. You can PM each-other during the day to discuss this. Whoever they decide will be out of the game. If they do not Private Message me in the time limit they will lose their chance to kill somebody. They can also decide not kill anybody. When the MAFIA have make their final choice they must Private Message me with that choice in BOLD CAPS.

As a DETECTIVE, he or she has been assigned the mission to discover the MAFIA and assist the VILLAGERS. During the Night period, they may choose one person to spy on in hopes to discover their true identity; their role. If they discover the MAFIA, they can tell the VILLAGERS, but not in such a way that he or she would blow cover. If they do, then the DETECTIVE will most likely become a target for the MAFIA. When the DETECTIVE has chosen whom they will spy on, Private Message me the user's name in BOLD CAPS.

The DOCTOR has a mission of protection. During the Night period, the DOCTOR can choose one person to protect from the MAFIA. During the Day period, it would be best for the DOCTOR to be mindful of everybody; so he or she doesn't accidentally protect the MAFIA! The DOCTOR may protect themselves from being killed. When he or she has chosen who they will protect, Private Message me the user's name in BOLD CAPS.

The VILLAGERS make up the majority of players in the game. They have  no special role,but without them who would vote, be killed or make up a fair portion of the game? Basically, they have nothing to do in the night other than talk, but they can vote, like everyone else, in the day period.

I am the STORYTELLER; I am in charge of the game, but only for a single round. The title will be passed after this game is over to a new person. Whoever is next in line at the end of the round will get the title if they can carry out the responsibility of getting on everyday. This is a tedious job, so if you are unable to keep up with the responsibility, even if it seems like great fun, please pass. If you really want to be the STORYTELLER, but can only get on a few times a week, you can find someone to help manage the role of STORYTELLER as your assistant. They can post in your place if you are gone for too long. If you wish to sign up for running a Mafia round, talk to Ice_Fire.

Special Rules/FAQs: If you're a bit confused how things work in the game, or if a certain event comes up that you don't understand, this section may help. <((Depending on if you add certain roles or events into your mafia game, you will likely need to add extra explanations into this area. Also, if you don't want people posting randomly in the middle of the game if they aren't playing, or are dead, this is where you'd say it.))

Sometimes there are occasions where the out-cast VILLAGRS don't respond to a tie. (They will be given twenty four hours to break the tie) In this instance, neither party will be voted out and we will continue to the next time period.

When the game begins, those that get special roles will be Private Messaged by myself, assigning them their role. If, by the time I announce the game has started, you have not received a PM you are a regular VILLAGER.

In the game this round, there will be at least NUMBER-OF-PLAYERS people. Out of those NUMBER-OF-PLAYERS people, to start with, there will be NUMBER MAFIA, NUMBER DETECTIVE, NUMBER DOCTOR and the rest are VILLAGERS. You have to post within the Sign-Up period that you want to play for me to add you. You may not ask to play the game has already started and you missed out, you must wait for the next round. An average length round is about a month long.
Any further questions you can ask me though PM, if they are questions that would be good for here, then I'll add them.
Players: Those signed up for this round of mafia. <((Make sure you update this list constantly while sign-ups are in progress, and while running the game. Whenever a play is banished or killed, update the list saying what happened to that player, banished/killed, and what role they are. This will help keep the game-play smoother, and it'll help you stay more organized too.))
